Risk Management

The GPT Group’s risk management approach incorporates the areas of culture, people, processes and systems to enable the organisation to realise opportunities whilst managing the risks associated with these activities. GPT recognises the requirement for effective risk management as a core capability and all employees are also expected to be managers of risk.

The Board has adopted a risk management policy as part of the enterprise-wide risk management framework. The policy sets out the principles, objectives and approach established to maintain GPT’s commitment to integrated risk management.

GPT's approach to risk management is consistent with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018: Risk Management.

Further information on GPT’s risk management is included within Principle 7: Recognise and Manage Risk.

GPT’s workplace health and safety approach and performance are included in the Health, Wellbeing & Safety section. The Health and Safety Policy can be found here with GPT’s core policies and charters.

A comprehensive listing of GPT's policies can be found here.