
GPT welcomes your feedback.
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General Feedback

GPT welcomes your feedback, suggestions for improvement and complaints.

We are committed to providing timely and meaningful responses to our stakeholders including our customers, investors, people, tenants, supply chain, and our broader industry and community networks.

You can contact us through our online enquiry form or by emailing us at:

GPT Group Investors

The GPT Group is committed to responding to investor complaints in a fair, timely and efficient manner. 

GPT uses Link Market Services Limited ("Link") as its Registry. Link also acts as GPT's Securityholder Service Centre and is the main point of contact for investors to make enquiries or complaints. 

Complaints may also be directed to GPT in the first instance.

GPT’s Investor Complaints Handling Policy can be found here.

Information relating to privacy complaints can be found in the Privacy Complaints section of this webpage. 

Contact Details 

GPT's Securityholder Service Centre can be contacted on Free-call 1800 025 095.  

Registry: Link Market Services Limited 

  Phone: 1800 025 095 

  Fax: 02 9287 0303 


  Postal address: GPT Security Registrar, Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235 

  Street address: Level 12, 680 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 

GPT: Complaints Handling Officer 

  Phone: 02 8239 3555  

  Fax: 02 9225 9318  


  Postal address: The GPT Group, Attention: Complaints Handling Officer, Level 51, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000 

  Street address: Level 51, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000

External Complaints Handling Service 

GPT is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), a registered external complaints resolution service. 

Should an investor not be satisfied with the resolution of a complaint after the internal complaints handling procedure has been completed then the investor may make an application to AFCA for resolution of the complaint in accordance with the rules of the service. 

Contact details: The Australian Financial Complaints Authority

  Phone: 1800 931 678



  Postal address: GPO Box 3, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 

GPT Wholesale Fund Investors

The GPT Group is committed to responding to wholesale funds investor complaints in a fair, timely and efficient manner. 

Information on the complaints handling process relating to the GPT Wholesale Funds can be found here.  

Embedded Network Complaints

The GPT Group is committed to providing our embedded network customers with excellent service and to responding to embedded network customer concerns.

GPT has an Embedded Network Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution Policy to provide clear guidelines and procedures for dealing with embedded network complaints and to ensure that complaints are dealt with fairly, effectively and efficiently. A copy of the Policy can be accessed here

CleanPeak Energy has been appointed as the supplier of GPT’s embedded network operations services. CleanPeak Energy should be the main point of contact for embedded network customers to make tenant account enquiries.  

Contact details: CleanPeak Energy 

  Phone: 1300 411 912


  Postal address: Level 9, 213 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060  

Contact details: GPT

If preferred, you may contact The GPT Group directly by using the contact details set out below:  

  Embedded Network Officer  

  Phone: 02 8239 3724  


  Postal address: Embedded Network Officer, Level 51, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000 

Privacy Complaints

GPT is committed to respecting, managing and protecting the personal information of our employees, customers, tenants, investors and other stakeholders. 

Information on how GPT handles your personal information and how you can make a complaint is set out in our Privacy Policy.  

Contact details: GPT Privacy Officer

Privacy Officer 

Phone: 02 8239 3555  

Fax: 02 9225 9318  


Postal address: The GPT Group, Attention: Privacy Officer, Level 51, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000 

Street address: Level 51, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000 

If your complaint is not resolved by our Privacy Officer, you can refer it to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. The contact details are: 

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner 

GPO Box 2999, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia 

Phone: 1300 363 992 

Fax: 02 9284 9666 


Whistleblower Complaints GPT is committed to the highest standards of conduct and ethical behaviour in the way we work and relate to each other. We encourage eligible whistleblowers to report suspected misconduct by making a whistleblower report. 

Eligible whistleblowers include: a GPT employee, officer, contractor or volunteer; a supplier of goods and services to GPT (or any of their employees); or a relative, spouse or dependant of any of these persons.    

The types of misconduct that can be reported under the whistleblower protections include: 

  • A contravention under the Corporations Act, the ASIC Act, the Income Tax Assessment Act or the Competition and Consumer Act. 
  • Dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent or illegal conduct, including in relation to human rights and/or modern slavery. 
  • Conduct or behaviour which could give rise to significant risks to health and safety.
  • Inappropriate or unethical conduct.
  • Bullying, discrimination or other unacceptable behaviour 
  • Victimising someone for making a disclosure.

Eligible whistleblowers can choose to remain anonymous when making a whistleblower report. If you do not consent to being identified, GPT will not disclose your identity unless the disclosure is required by law or if it is necessary to prevent a serious threat to a person’s health or safety. 

Eligible whistleblowers can make a confidential and/or anonymous report to the following eligible recipients: 

  1. Your Call, GPT’s independent whistleblower hotline 
  2. GPT’s Whistleblower Disclosure Officers, which includes the Chief Risk Officer, General Counsel and Chief Operations Officer. The best way to contact the Chief Risk Officer (who is our Whistleblower Coordinator) is through 
  3. GPT’s Officers and Directors 
  4. GPT’s Auditors 
  5. ASIC or another external Eligible Recipient listed under the Corporations Act 2001.

A copy of GPT’s Whistleblower Policy can be accessed here

Contact details: Your Call  

You are encouraged to report any concerns of misconduct to GPT by emailing the Whistleblower Program at or using our secure, external, confidential and independent provider Your Call. Your Call can be contacted in these ways:

Website: after entering GPT’s ID: GPT2019 

Telephone: 1300 798 101 between 9am and midnight (AEST), Monday to Friday


Online: visit and click “Make a report” using GPT2019 as the organisation ID

If you are deaf, or have a speech impairment: you can contact Your Call by choosing your contact method at and request Your Call’s hotline 1300 790 228.

Your Call acts as an intermediary with GPT and provides a way for a whistleblower to retain their anonymity through their online system. Your Call also enables GPT to request further information, and a whistleblower to provide that information and to receive updates from GPT on an anonymous basis.